Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy Crestview & Okaloosa County

Cancellation Policy

We understand that there may be times when you are unable to keep an appointment, but we do ask that you please be courteous and notify our office 24 hours prior if you need to cancel your appointment for any reason.

There is an automatic $50.00 charge for a NO SHOW. If THREE appointments are canceled or missed less than 24 hours from a scheduled appointment, you will be dismissed from the practice for non-compliance.

For SURGICAL PROCEDURES, we ask you to give our office 72 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule. There will be a $100.00 charge if you cancel less than 72 hours or if you do not show for your procedure.
This policy is very important for the efficiency and superb patient care that we strive for of all our patients. We ask that you please understand that this policy has been created due to our growing practice and the number of patients who are patiently waiting for their appointment or procedure date. We want to be compassionate to all our patients but also fair to our patients that are waiting to be seen.

Schedule an appointment with us by completing this form or calling us at (850) 331-3937.